Back to School: The Child Education and Development Industry Is Thriving | Bill McKee, Franchise Consultant

Back to School: The Child Education and Development Industry Is Thriving!

The 2020- 2021 school year brought about massive changes to child education and development. Many students were unable to attend in-person classes. As a result, new learning methods had to be implemented and adapted for children around the country.

New businesses and established franchises became sought after during the pandemic. And, even as the new school year starts, parents and families are rushing to enroll their children into programs that will ensure that their children are ready for fall classes.

So, if you are looking to take advantage of this growing industry, now is the perfect time to get involved, especially as students start to head back to school. There are tons of franchising opportunities available for you in this sector!

Why is The Child Education and Development Industry Thriving?

Virtual learning became increasingly popular, as schools shut down. Even as the new school year starts up again, virtual tutoring and teaching have seen an uptick in popularity and prominence. This is because parents want to ensure that their children can keep up with their peers.

Virtual school has its advantages and helps stop the spread of COVID. But it was just not enough for some students. With teachers spread thinly over zoom calls, kids were not getting the same quality of education, as they were with in-person classes. In fact, some students need more specialized care and education.

Finally, as in-person classes resume this fall parents want their students to have every advantage. So, they have turned to online as well as in-person education and development businesses to help prepare for the upcoming school year.

In other words, over the past year, the education and development industry has seen a major revitalization. Supplementary education programs and tutoring services are becoming more of a necessity.

In addition, the growth of businesses centered around children’s education and development is only projected to grow over the next school year! Therefore now is the perfect time to get into franchising and invest in children and education-related franchise businesses.

What Are The Advantages of Owning a Child Education and Development Franchise Business?

Even without the influence of the pandemic, children and education-based franchises have been on an upward trend. The last school year has merely accelerated this growing industry. Parents want to invest in their child’s future, and education and development are seen as a gateway to a successful career and life. Therefore, growth in this industry is only projected to increase in the coming years!

Still, what are the other advantages of owning an education and development-based franchise business? To start with, these types of franchises are more affordable and have fewer start-up costs than many types of businesses.

Many franchise owners in this industry can work from home which saves them money and time.
However, if you run an in-person tutoring center it may be a little more expensive. So, keep this in mind.

In addition to reduced costs, franchises in this business setting are resistant to economic crashes. As we saw over the past year, education and development businesses were able to stay afloat and even thrive, even as the pandemic overtook the economy. These services are in demand even when the economy is at a low point. This makes them a great investment for entrepreneurs!

Finally, businesses in the education and development sector typically require better and fewer work hours. Again, most business owners can run these franchises from home which allows them to save on commute time and spend more time with their families.

There is a lot of flexibility in this field, which brings about a better work-life balance!


Bill McKee has been a business owner since 1993 and built several successful businesses.  He has a fascination for understanding different business models and really enjoys helping people.  For those reasons, he has been a franchise consultant since 2007 and has helped well over a hundred people to be awarded franchises. If you are interested to see what is available in your area, (it doesn’t cost anything to look) contact Bill at (972) 767-8433 or email at

No obligations, no fees, no advertising…just good solid information about franchising.